Welcome Back Assembly – UP

The Welcome Back Assembly for the Academic Year 2024-25 was conducted on Monday, June 3, 2024, by the Upper Primary teachers of Mitra Academy in the ARA Memorial Hall. The main aim of the assembly was to welcome all the students to an exciting new academic year. The assembly began with the school prayer, followed by the Thought for the Day, news, and some informative facts. Our Principal, Vani Ma’am, addressed the students, shared some values, and welcomed them warmly. Held with great enthusiasm and anticipation, the assembly aimed to motivate and inspire students for the journey ahead.
The event brought together students, teachers, and staff, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere. Teachers welcomed the students with a melodious song and a spectacular, foot-tapping dance. This was followed by an eye-catching mime depicting different values to instill and follow in the classroom and school. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.

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