Paper Bag Making Activity – LP

To create an awareness program on the occasion of World Environment Day with the theme ‘Journey to a Greener Future,’ a paper bag-making activity was conducted on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. All the students of Std. I and II participated in this activity with full energy. The objective of this activity was to spread awareness among students about saving our environment from various types of pollution and keeping it clean and safe.
In class, a video on the environment was shown to make children aware of the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. As described, the students used old newspapers to make reusable paper bags. They were encouraged to make their own paper bags and decorate them with a tree and Earth cutouts to emphasise the importance of saving trees, conserving water and protecting our planet. Additionally, students were made aware of reducing the use of plastic bags and were encouraged to use paper bags or cloth bags instead.

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