Opening Day – UP

The teachers of the Upper Primary section held a grand assembly to welcome the newly admitted students on Thursday, June 01, 2023. The event was filled with excitement and anticipation as the school community came together to foster a sense of unity and inclusivity. The assembly aimed to introduce the newcomers to their peers, teachers and the school’s values, encouraging a positive and supportive environment for all.   The assembly began with a warm welcome by the teachers, who expressed enthusiasm for the addition of the new students. The teachers introduced themselves followed by the students’ introduction.  This introduction set the tone for the day filled with activities, camaraderie and celebration. Various ice-breaking activities were organized. The  teacher engaged the students by teaching them the ‘Mitra Song’. A ‘Card Making Activity’ was conducted.  The students enjoyed  the ‘Freeze Game’ which was followed by a flower making activity. Through these activities, students had the opportunity to interact with one another.