‘Onam Special Assembly’ – Std. I & II
The Onam Special Assembly was organised on Monday, September 04, 2023 by the students of Std I and II. The festival commemorated Lord Vishnu and the homecoming of king Mahabali. The main aim of the assembly was to make the students understand the importance of the Onam festival. The assembly started with the school prayer, […]
‘Design your Snake Boat Drawing Competition’ – Std. I & II
Drawing competitions encourage children to think outside the box, explore their creative potential, and come up with unique ideas and concepts. When children participate in such competitions, they are exposed to a diverse range of themes, topics and challenges that challenge their imagination and creativity. Design Your Snake boat Competition was held on Monday, September […]
‘Drop Everything And Read Activity’ – Std. I & II
Drop Everything And Read time, better known as DEAR time, is a time regularly set aside in the classroom schedule for both students and their teachers to “drop everything and read.” DEAR time conveniently accommodates a variety of student interests and ability levels, since each student selects for himself/herself the book(s) he/she wishes to read. […]
Open House Presentation – Std. I & II
Caring for Earth, Spreading Green and Saving Blue is an ultimate necessity of mankind at present. It becomes highly essential for all the living and nonliving elements of nature as it provides us with food, water, shelter, climate and many more unexplored gifts. The students of the lower primary section openly participated in the presentation […]
Thank You Card & Zentangle Bookmark Activity – Std. VI to X
The students of Mitra Academy were involved in artistic expressions to show gratitude to their teachers by making eye-catching bookmarks and creating heart-warming, fascinating Thank You Cards for their teachers on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. It was an activity which brought genuine smiles to both the teaching fraternity and students, alike.
Annual Sports Meet – Kinder Champs 2023 ‘Khel-Khe’ Mein – KG
The atmosphere was charged with excitement as the teachers prepared the grounds for the mega event. The ground was adorned with beautiful models depicting lovely Disney characters and an array of colourful candies, creating a captivating scene titled ‘Khel-Khel Mein’. The moment the young participants started pouring in, the entire venue came to life. Adding […]
‘Sports Day – Kreedotsav’ – Std. I & II
If there is a field which teaches the most valuable lessons about perseverance and patience, it is sports. Hence, on Friday, 01 September, 2023 the Lower primary section of Mitra Academy organized the Nineteenth Annual Sports Meet 2023-24. The most anticipated event commenced with the arrival of the distinguished chief guest, Mr. Karan Harold Joshua, […]