Ganesha Idol Making Activity – KG

The young hearts of Mitra Kinderworld eagerly embraced the arrival of Lord Ganesha with boundless enthusiasm. The Kindergarten Block blossomed into a festive spectacle as our little ones adorned themselves in traditional attire, infusing the surroundings with vibrant colours. The lobby, adorned to resonate with the joyous spirit of the festive season, served as a visual delight for all who entered. In the spirit of hands-on participation, our tiny tots eagerly crafted miniature idols of Lord Ganesha, showcasing their creative talents. These exquisite creations found a place of honor alongside the central idol of Lord Ganesh in the lobby, forming a captivating ensemble. The day unfolded as a remarkable and memorable experience for the young members of Mitra Kinderworld, fostering a deeper connection to tradition and culture.

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