‘Drop Everything And Read Activity’ – Std. I & II

Drop Everything And Read time, better known as DEAR time, is a time regularly set aside in the classroom schedule for both students and their teachers to “drop everything and read.” DEAR time conveniently accommodates a variety of student interests and ability levels, since each student selects for himself/herself the book(s) he/she wishes to read. A Drop Everything and Read activity was conducted on Monday, September 04, 2023. Books are our best friends and reading books helps us increase our knowledge and helps us to use our imagination and be more creative. To highlight the importance of Reading in our school, “drop everything and read” activity was conducted and everyone dropped all their routine work and dedicated the time for extra reading. Students of Std.I and Std.II as well as the teachers had kept storybooks of their choice ready for reading. Everyone was found reading ardently. Furthermore, the students enthusiastically shared the essence of the stories read by them. The activity inspired our students and also inculcated in our students a deep and enduring love for reading.

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