Annual Day – ‘Rishtey’ – Std. I & II
‘Hidden talent is silent, until it finds its stage.’
The Lower Primary section of Mitra Academy celebrated its Annual Day for the Academic Year 2024-25 over three days from December 12 to December 14, 2024, The event was beautifully woven around the theme “Rishtey – The Threads That Knit Us” and was marked by magnificent and resonant celebrations. The program commenced with a formal welcome by the Headmistress, followed by the presentation of the progressive Annual Report was by the Principal. The programme was an amalgamation of various hues benefiting the theme wonderfully. The thematic show of talent, imagination, and organization was the essence of the show. Students showcased their flair through vibrant performances, dancing gracefully to songs with colour. The synchronized dance movements, enhanced by vivid costumes and props, brought the festive occasion to life, accompanied by foot-tapping music that resonated with energy. The riveting performances drew thunderous applause from the audience, offering an astounding visual treat that enthralled every spectator in the auditorium.
The event also emphasized the importance of imparting not only excellent education but also strong values and ethics to students. The exhilarating show was a memorable experience, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. It was, without a doubt, a spectacular celebration of talent, unity and fervor.