Annual Day – ‘Badlav’ – Std. VIII & IX
Mitra Academy conducted its 22nd Annual Day for the High School, with splendour and great pomp and show on Friday, December 13, 2024.
The show was graced by the Chief Guest, – Mr. Sourabh Kulkarni – an eminent actor and director, esteemed members of the management and other dignitaries.
“Badlav – Be the Change” explored the subtle vices like Maya, Krodh, Abhiman which creep in the human psyche stealthily and ultimately lead to human destruction- unless one is determined to accept change, since change is the only constant. The show, replete with thought provoking lines, commendable acting and graceful and flawless dance performances by the students who dazzled with felicitous costumes accorded an impressive aura to the entire show.
The Chief Guest appreciated the props, costumes, stage backdrops, shared some pearls of wisdom with the audience, and requested parents to be the support system for their children. He emphasized on the value of parental guidance, motivation and support.
The endless hours of practice put in by the teachers and their students bore fruit on 13th December, 2024. The show was an instant hit with the audience.