‘Beat the Rhyme Competition’ – Std. I & II

Beauty is the realm of poetry. Students enjoy the beauty of expression, thoughts, feeling, rhyme, rhythm and music of words when they recite poems. Considering these aspects a poetry recitation competition was conducted for the students of Std. I and Std. II on Thursday, September 07, 2023. The competition inspired the young poets to come forward and recite. The students came up with great fondness and zeal. They enjoyed the perfection of expression, thoughts, emotions, rhythm and music of words. This built their confidence as they learnt to recite more accurately and persuasively the piece of writing. Variety of props such as headgears, charts, Necklaces(made out of their creativity) etc. were used by the students. They surprised everyone with their voice modulation and amazing memory with a good introduction of themselves that had flown in a melody from the young ones.

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