‘Impress Yourself Competition’ – Std. I & II

It is imperative for students to understand the significance of National Symbols of India and the significant roles of the Freedom Fighters in making our country, India free from British colonial rule. An’ Impress Yourself Competition’ was held on Wednesday, August 09, 2023 for the students of Std. I and II. The topic for the competition was ‘The National Symbols Of India’ and ‘ Freedom Fighters Of India’ respectively. The main objective of this competition was to develop cognitive skills and confidence in the students. The competition provided a great learning experience for the students and gave them a platform to explore their talent. The students were well versed on the topics given and impressively spoke a few sentences. Students came forward displaying their vibrant costumes based on the themes. Students were all charming and it was a feast watching them dressed up. The event was a success, as the children did a wonderful job with their presentation.