National Science Day – M&H

All important national days, festivals etc. are celebrated in the school through special assemblies. Our students celebrated National Science Day on Tuesday, 28th February 2023 – as a humble tribute to the contribution of scientists towards the development of our country.
The assembly began with the school prayer, followed by a student’s talk – elaborating on the purpose of the celebration.
Students paid tribute to Sir C.V. Raman, through a role play. His achievements were highlighted, and the fact that National Science
Day in India is celebrated to mark the discovery of the Raman Effect by our Indian Physicist was reiterated.
It was commendable to see our budding scientists present working models ranging from the Pinhole camera to a simple circuit, parallel circuit to the formation of eclipses. Children brilliantly explained the various principles behind the models. The assembly concluded with a resounding applause.